Ethics Policy
Code of Ethics
001 – Always treat each other with respect. Known incidents breaching this policy are serious and must be reported immediately.
002 – Be inclusive by hiring external candidates with diverse backgrounds whenever feasible.
003 – Develop and promote internal talent resources as frequently as possible, with equitable consideration of those from diverse backgrounds
004 – Engage in equitable business practices that foster business arrangements with vendors and contractual service providers with business owners of diverse backgrounds
005 – Gifts valued at $100 or less are acceptable. However any gift offered in exchange for favor or business opportunity is never acceptable. Known incidents of this nature are serious and must be reported immediately.
006 – All stakeholders must be committed to continuous improvement regarding ethical business behaviors and practices
007 – Negative or malicious written or verbal communications regarding stakeholders or VCC using social media or other technologies is a serious offense and shall be reported immediately.
008 – Annual Ethics Education and annual re-commitment to ethical business practices is corporate policy and a serious matter. Failure to comply may result in counseling, suspension, or termination.
What Does It Mean To Be Ethical?
Good, positive, or virtuous thoughts, actions, or behaviors, including notification of unethical conduct. Acting according to moral standards (Gan, 2018).
Why Should I Be Ethical?
Our Board of Directors and CEO have mandated that the entire workforce/volunteers of Village Community Center shall integrate ethical thoughts, behaviors, and business practices into every aspect of the business.
Eventually, ethics catches up with you! (Ciulla, 2016)
Why Is It So Hard To Be Ethical?
You simply cannot separate ethics from business because each of us brings our own ethics to our work every day, and sometimes our different ethical perspectives clash. (Ciulla, 2016)
What Can I Do When I Witness or Experience Unethical Behavior?
Fill out an EAR (Ethics Action Report) form and turn it in to your Direct Report (Core Assistant Manager, Manager, or Vice President) if you are a member of the workforce/volunteer. If you are a client or vendor, please fill out report and send it by mail to Greta Howard at the PO Box below. Click the following to open the EAR form.
What Are VCC’s Corporate Values?
Mutual Respect
Continuous Improvement
Fairness, Impartiality
Customer Service
What Should I Do When I Experience or Witness Unethical Behavior?
Fill out an EAR (Ethics Action Report) form and turn it in to your Direct Report (Core Assistant Manager, Manager, or Vice President) if you are a member of the workforce/volunteer. If you are a client or vendor, please fill out report and send it by mail to Greta Howard at the PO Box below. Click the following to open the EAR form.
What Should I Do When I See Ethical Excellence?
Fill out an EAR (Ethics Action Report) form and turn it in to your Direct Report (Core Assistant Manager, Manager, or Vice President) if you are a member of the workforce/volunteer. If you are a client or vendor, please fill out report and send it by mail to Greta Howard at the PO Box below. Click the following to open the EAR form.
What You Should Know if You Complete an EAR regarding Unethical Behavior?
Private & confidential counsel will occur with the actors involved.
Under No Circumstances will the reporting person’s identity be revealed to the actors unless they give express permission.
Village Community Center's designated agent for notice of claims of ethical or unethical behavior can be reached as follows:
By E-Mail: with the subject line “Ethics”
By Mail:
Greta A. Howard, PhD
Post Office Box 22994
Louisville, KY 40252
Phone 502-742-0708
Revised August 2021.